August 16, 2011

Sleep well my friends

Hello,  Today is one of the low days. It has been a day of rest and music and books. When I am unrested, my life can crumble in around me. I can either get miserably depressed or, more likely, end up hypo manic. I have discovered over the last several years how critical sleep is for healing and happiness. I know that I need at least 8hrs of sleep a night, no short cuts. I am at my best if I get around 9-10hrs a night. With this amount of sleep, i am able to conquer my anxiety and will be less likely to have panic attacks about getting out of the house. If I get under 7hrs/night I am totally useless for the day, It becomes a battle to just get out of bed let alone my house. So, I do things like listen to music, read books, watch TV/movies, or what ever else I can do while resting in the safety of my home. I have begun to use these low days to get emails done, paper work filed or finished, phone calls to catch up on...etc. By activating my brain a little, I am able to feel like the day is not a total waste. I can stay home and effectively(meaning no drugs, no self harm, no isolating in bed) manage my anxiety and feel like I am being productive. Those chores likely wouldn't get done if I didn't do them during down time.
When it comes to anxiety, panic and agoraphobia the only way for me to plow through it is to allow myself to have guilt free days of self care. Self care is not selfish, It is self first. Once I have done all I can to care for my emotional, physical and spiritual needs, then it is time to get back out and face the world.

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